From the 5th January, Coddenham like the rest of the country is in COVID Tier 5 or a ‘Lockdown’. The Coddenham Centre remains closed until further notice, with some small exceptions.
We will announce any changes on Tuesday 23rd, following the anticipated government announcements.
Yoga, Pilates, Hiit, Tai Bo, Nordic Walking, indoor Tennis, Badminton, Carpet Bowls and football fixtures are temporarily suspended. The Tennis Courts and Outdoor Gym are now also temporarily closed.
Please contact your Instructors or Club for alternatives, credits and rescheduling.
Socially distanced 121 Nordic Walking training can be conducted out of doors by appointment.
Kitchen hire for the production of food supplies is permitted.
Our outdoor recreation ground, (subject to distancing), are unaffected. Please observe all precautions.
This of course, remains a disappointment to all of us, but in the interest of public health and safety.
We will continue to review and keep you updated through this site and Coddenham Parish
Also at Sport England. and CIMSPA