Following the latest government guidelines in respect of the lockdown in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Coddenham Centre remains closed, except for essential access.
We will continue to keep customers and stakeholders advised through these bulletins, on this website and the new site, established with the help of the Trust, for the community’s response to Covid19.
The Charity has kept busy and like many, has made use of the available time where it can.
The Centre Manager Gail Springett, meets weekly with the chairman and treasurer of the trust to consider essential maintenance matters oversight. The Trust Board continues to meet monthly, all are conducted via videoconferencing.
Charmiane Hall responsible for Centre Care, used last week to study and pass an online course on the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations(COSHH). We are working with the Centre team to install additional hand sanitisers, in readiness for ‘re-opening’.
In conjunction with Creative Arts East, we offered streaming links for the movie ‘The Suffragettes’ and this week, a recording of ‘Little Bevan’ performed by the Pentabus Theatre Company In Norfolk last year. All details are on this website.
We plan to use our resources next month to help publish a digital ‘Coddenham Edition’ of the Ten Village News, in conjunction with its local contributors and co-ordinators.
We continued our constructive dialogue with Active Suffolk in respect of supporting day-time indoor bowls in the future, to complement that supplied until lockdown, by the Great Blakenham Carpet Bowls Club. We are also looking at further Nordic Walking training, once we are able to complete the current course on our return to business.
With that in mind, we are planning a ‘relaunch’ of the Centre, once the current crisis is behind us. This may need to be phased, but we want to be ready to support our customers in getting back on their feet as quickly as possible.
We continue to research funding opportunities to develop our facilities and assist in dealing with the impact of Covid19. The Charity is represented on the Coddenham Covid19 Response Group. Details Here
Finally, after twelve months, our Trustee and Trust Secretary Angela Thompson leaves us this month as part of a planned reduction in her voluntary portfolio. Full details can be found Here
We are indebted to Angela for her support which apart from establishIng our governance structure last year, has included bar duties and even performing on stage at the Centre!
As usual, if there are any questions or enquiries following this bulletin, please do not hesitate to contact the Coddenham Centre on the usual number or email address.or look at our other News on this website.
Chairman on behalf of Trustees – The Coddenham Centre CIO
21st April 2020