UPDATE - Over 300 through the door today (Sunday). Congratulations Julie, thank-you all stallholders, volunteers and customers! Next Fair - March 17th. Masterminded by local resident and respected...
News & Events
Forthcoming events and news from the centre
PLEASE NOTE: The published date stamp on news / events does not indicate the date of the event. Please read the details of the item in question for further information.
UPDATE - Nearly 200 through the door so far! There are parking spaces if you search! Masterminded by local resident and respected specialist dealer, Julie Cartwright, in conjunction with leading...
Get Savvy About FOOD. Congratulations Everyone…
Who joined in! This what you missed if you didn't make it. Want to get smart about waste, best management and opportunities for use of FOOD? Come along to the next REDUCE, RE-USE, RECYCLE, EVENT and...
NEW Meditation at the Coddenham Centre.
We are constantly looking for new opportunities to develop health and wellbeing at the Coddenham Centre so are delighted to introduce these NEW offers of Meditation from Emma Curio - Join Emma from...
Return of the Ceilidh – Next Saturday!
Welcome back the TEN VILLAGE BAND & caller for a fun night of music and dance! Join in or sit it out and enjoy an evening that is fun for all. Tickets just £12.50, including a chilli jacket...
NEW Activities, FREE Sessions & Tickets on Sale this Month!
A lot happening, plus exciting new activities to try at your Coddenham Centre. Please give them a try, support or if buying tickets, get them soon. We kick off the month with New Yoga led by...
Weekday YOGA is Back at the Coddenham Centre. NEW Prices!
Come along and have some time for yourself. Please join me, Victoria Squirrell for NEW yoga at the Coddenham Centre on Thursday mornings 10:30-11:30am (resumes 2nd January). 'Come along and have...
A Cancellation & Apology
It's with great regret that we have decided to cancel this Saturday's (21st September) Film Night at the Coddenham Centre. Despite some welcome support, there has been insufficient interest to...
To the small but hard working team that helped with last weekend's outside Working Party. The Centre's 'estate' is particularly dependent on volunteer support. Apart from the tennis court'sand some...
Join our Working Party!
On Saturday 31st August we'll be tidying our grounds & gardens ready for the winter. Timed to align with next week's churchyard cut which will provide seeds for our own wildflower areas, we'll...