With the help of Groundwork East and the Suffolk County Council Environment Strategy team, the Coddenham Centre has just completed its latest Carbon Audit. Since our 2020 baseline we have achieved...
News & Events
Forthcoming events and news from the centre
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PLEASE NOTE: The published date stamp on news / events does not indicate the date of the event. Please read the details of the item in question for further information.
We Are Right Behind Being Kinder to the Planet @the Coddenham Centre
We are pleased to offer NAKED SPROUT at the Coddenham Centre. The UK’s most environmentally friendly toilet paper. No bleach, no chemicals, no plastics, seriously low carbon… More Details Here...
More Carbon Care from the Coddenham Centre
Our new LED bulbs are adding to the Coddenham Centre’s carbon savings. Accompanying our air Source Heat Pumps and eighty solar panels, we expect to be reducing our overall carbon footprint by over...
Thankyou Working Party
A great weekend’s work! MORE DETAILS HERE
TCC Needs an Outdoor Working Party Please!
A wet summer has meant some parts of our Coddenham Centre estates have run away a bit earlier than usual. We need some help from noon on Saturday 23rd September, immediately following the COMMUNITY...
Our Wildflowers Are Working Out!
It’s the second year of our designated ‘ Wildflower Workout Areas' at the Coddenham Centre and it’s good to see the return of our ‘ new’ pyramid orchids! Lots of rare corncockle too. Our newly...
Solar at the Centre – We are Live!
Not quite #CHARTER TUESDAY, but last Wednesday afternoon, our new eighty solar panel array started to provide power to your award winning Coddenham Centre and even energy back to the grid. Its...
Solar Under Way- Easter Update!
Our eighty panels are in place and awaiting commissioning! Batteries will be in place by my mid month, hopefully meeting some 80% + of our electrical needs and doubling our carbon savings Our thanks...
Brrr…. Its not quite Spring Yet!
With temperatures still nippy, we are pleased our AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMPS are still firing away to beat the chill! Along with our extra insulation, we are staying cosy and staying 'green' for all our...
Another Step Towards Net Zero Carbon for the Coddenham Centre
The local community centre and charitable incorporated organisation, the Coddenham Centre continues to pursue an aggressive environmental strategy on behalf of the community it serves. It feels it...