Days for your diary - the popular Coffee Station returns to The Coddenham Centre Car Park on Valentines day the 14th February and then the 21st February. Usual time, 10am - 2pm!
News & Events
Forthcoming events and news from the centre
PLEASE NOTE: The published date stamp on news / events does not indicate the date of the event. Please read the details of the item in question for further information.
The Coddenham Centre and the Environment
Despite our many challenges in these troublesome times, we are still forging ahead with our environmental strategy. You can read all about it in the Coddenham Pages of the latest online version of...
Your Exercise Time is Precious – Up the Benefit by 50% with Nordic Walking!
While our classes and walk meetings are temporarily suspended, we currently can still provide one to one, socially distanced teaching, outdoors. You can ‘Get Nordic Walking’ for as little as £30 an...
Attention Dogs & their Owners!
We are blessed in Coddenham with an abundance of countryside and public foot paths which can be used for dog walking, we also have dog bins in the village to place any waste. The majority of dogs...
‘Lockdown’ – What it means for your Coddenham Centre.
From the 5th January, Coddenham like the rest of the country is in COVID Tier 5 or a ‘Lockdown’. The Coddenham Centre remains closed until further notice, with some small exceptions. We will...
The Coffee Station is Back this Weekend!
As an outdoor and takeaway facility, the Coffee Station will be at the Coddenham Centre from 10 am – 2 pm next Sunday 10th January. Also for your new diaries, on the 17th and 31st Jan 10 till 1....
Award for the Coddenham Community Response Group.
The Coddenham Centre is a proud founding member of the Coddenham Community Response Group. We were even prouder to receive a BBC Radio Suffolk ‘ Making a Difference’ award on behalf of the Group,...
Tier 4 – What it Means for the Coddenham Centre
From the 26th December, Coddenham and Suffolk are in COVID Tier 4. The Centre is already closed until the 29th December, for the Christmas break. With regret, that closure will now continue until...
Coddenham Centre, COVID Bulletin No 9
Details of our re-opening following Lock-Down No 2, how we go about it. Hopefully our last Update on COVID19 and the Coddenham Centre, for the Year! Thank you for your support COVID Bulletin No 9 –...
We are Back!!
Download our CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR poster of the fantastic events and activities that we plan to have back next month.* Sixteen activities or events including at least four tasters for you to...