Beverages and treats from 10am to 1pm, Sunday 14th March. Masks and care please - see you there!
News & Events
Forthcoming events and news from the centre
PLEASE NOTE: The published date stamp on news / events does not indicate the date of the event. Please read the details of the item in question for further information.
The Walking that has Everyone Talking – Nordic Walks are Back @ The Coddenham Centre!
Check out the Suffolk School of Nordic Walking latest list of walks, training, refreshers and FREE taster events available NOW. Details of forthcoming programme all here! Or go to the SSNW web pages...
Fancy a Movie? We’ve Got A Streaming Offer.
As subscribers to Creative Arts East, the Coddenham Centre is able to offer another virtual movie. Following last years successful streaming, you can enjoy the experience again. It's a virtual...
Shop and Donate to Your Coddenham Centre
Whatever your shopping preferences, if using Amazon, please go to and nominate The Coddenham Centre, as your preferred charity. Every time you shop Amazon Smile we will receive a...
COVID Bulletin No 11 – Our Plans to Re-Open
Following the Government’s latest Lockdown ‘Road-Map’ here is our latest COVID19 Bulletin No.11, for your Coddenham Centre While we will continue to maintain a cautious approach and our usual high...
The Coffee Station at The Coddenham Centre this Sunday.
All your favourite hot drinks and treats at the Centre Car Park, Sunday 21st February, 10 am - 1 pm. Safely distance, mask up, stay safe, enjoy!
Making Your Coddenham Centre Safer and More Secure.
Following last years grant by Mid Suffolk District Council to improve the Coddenham Centre's security and access controls, we have been able to complete work during the recent temporary closure....
The Coffee Station is Back for Valentine’s Day this Sunday!
The Coffee Station will be at The Coddenham Centre car-park from 10am - 2pm on Sunday 14th February. Drop by for all your favourite hot drinks, snacks and pastries. Say hello, but mask up and keep...
February Dates for the Coffee Station
Days for your diary - the popular Coffee Station returns to The Coddenham Centre Car Park on Valentines day the 14th February and then the 21st February. Usual time, 10am - 2pm!
The Coddenham Centre and the Environment
Despite our many challenges in these troublesome times, we are still forging ahead with our environmental strategy. You can read all about it in the Coddenham Pages of the latest online version of...